Friday, March 7, 2014

Gender: Is it really important?

Male, Female, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Metro sexual - these are just some of the known genders of our world. But is gender really important? Do we disrespect somebody just because they aren't straight? I strongly disagree.

Our world is sprinkled with tons of judgmental people. These people include those who give a damn about everything. Like for example: people's gender. I don't think this is essential. I mean, people are always told they can be anything they want to be. But after they start being themselves, society comes judging them. Why can't just people have the freedom to move, speak and think like how they should? Why would gender be important? It's not us going to live that life. It's them. It's their life, they have rights regarding it. The point is, we should be productive for us to be human, and being productive doesn't mean being straight.

Many bent people are known to be highly productive that they even made more sense than the straight ones, yet they never said anything. Now, where is the equality straight people has been talking about?

All I'm trying to say is... if a guy feels like he's gay, let him be. If a girl likes a girl and feels lesbo, let her be. If one likes both men and women, and feels bi, let that person be. We should not care about what their gender says. As long as nobody's being aggrieved and no rights are being stepped on, let them be free to express who they really are. Who knows, the next person to contribute something big to the world happens to be not straight. We should not wait for that moment and have that idea smack us straight in the face.

Every single man has his own capabilities that can help somebody. Comes with this is his right to show how capable he is of something. But how can some people express their magic if they're being deprived right before they speak? This will hurt us if we experience it personally.

Just let people be the person they really are. What the gender says isn't what the intent says.

It is better to lose your pride in front of your loved one, than to lose your loved one because of your pride.

People, as we usually see them are selfish animals that would always fight for what they believe. Being this kind is in between of good and bad. I consider this good because, as we were taught when we were kids, we should fight for our thoughts. Somehow, this is also a negative. Most of us have heard the saying that goes: Everything that exceeds is bad. Sometimes, while focusing on being this warriors and knights of belief, we do not recognize we are already banging our own army.
            Being these usual selfish and dominant exultant hypocrites, we ought to often keep an enthralled eye onto our pride. We live by it that we even forget how and when to keep a hold on this. Frequently, we would hold it so tight and won’t let go until reality comes hitting us between the eyes. While we are crushing our palms against our pride and not wanting to let go, we do not see the possible upshots of being this attached. We might not see it clearly, but we are losing something more important, or worse, someone who matters.
            In this tangled situation inside a constantly changing realm, it is alright be wrong. This is what mealy humans do not know. They seem to always imagine life as if they will be head-shot when they admit they are somehow incorrect. All they have to keep in mind is life is not perfect, and so they do not have to be perfect as well.

            Let’s end with a piece of advice. Keep in our minds that apologizing does not always mean that you are wrong and the other right, sometimes we apologize because we value that person much more than our pride. You can never be happy only having your pride beside you. You need friends, and you cannot be happy with them if you have your high-rise pride meddle in between.